Eleven Sweet Reads to Share this Holiday Season

Hello Lovely Readers, Can you all believe we’re already halfway through November? It simultaneously feels like it just started and like we’re ready for a nice long nap. If we could belatedly opt into the whole hibernation thing, we just might take the chance. But,...

Jeff Wheeler and the Creation of Deep Magic

Today on the blog, we are so honored to have bestselling author Jeff Wheeler here to tell us about OHB’s first Kickstarter, Deep Magic Volume III Deluxe Edition. He’s one of the founders of Deep Magic e-zine and has been publishing short stories and anthologies since...

Toni Blake and The Christmas Box

Today on the blog, we are so honored to have the wonderful Toni Blake here to tell us about her writing The Christmas Box and some of the revelations that came along with it. Toni, take it away. People often ask me, and probably all novelists, if events or people from...

Ten Books to Summon to Your Bedside This October

Hello there Lovely Readers, We know we talked and talked about Spooky Season in the weeks leading up to it, and then we practically ghosted you. To be honest, we took a few too many blankets and snacks back into the stacks, set to find you the perfect Halloween reads,...