Ryan Kirk

Ryan Kirk is the award-winning and internationally bestselling author of over thirty fantasy novels spanning nearly a dozen worlds. He lives in Minnesota with his family, where he enjoys long, meandering walks outside even when the snow is high enough to cover his legs. When he isn’t glued to his keyboard, he’s usually in the woods, either on foot or on bike.

Born of Light and Shadow (The Legend of Adani Book 1)

Born of Light and Shadow (The Legend of Adani Book 1)

Author: Ryan Kirk
Genres: Epic Fantasy, Fantasy

For generations, brave warriors known as Adanists have fought to hold back a rising tide of mysterious invaders and shadowy monsters. Despite their heroic efforts, they are losing.

But the night is always darkest before the dawn, and a new generation rises to fight the endless battle.

Elian and Samora are siblings, adanists born and raised in a village that has rarely known the bitter taste of war. When they encounter an unfathomable weapon not far from their village, they’re forced to leave the comforting embrace of home to seek answers from the wandering clans of warriors that protect their land.

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From Shadow to Flame (The Legend of Adani Book 2)

From Shadow to Flame (The Legend of Adani Book 2)

Darkness fights hardest against the lights that burn brightest.

Elian’s victory over the invading Debru came with a high cost, but for the first time in generations, hope beats in the chests of the warriors of the wandering clans. Before the dust from the battle can settle, though, the Debru reveal their true, terrifying power for the first time. Once again, the clans must flee while they desperately search for the strength to resist their destruction.

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The Acension of Light (The Legend of Adani Book 3)

The Acension of Light (The Legend of Adani Book 3)

Author: Ryan Kirk
Genres: Epic Fantasy, Fantasy

The heroic spirit burns hottest when all hope is lost.

Still reeling from the losses suffered defending the gathering ground from the Debru, Elian reluctantly assumes the mantle of leadership from his friend and mentor. He knows now the true power of his enemy, and knows, too, that humanity lacks the strength to fight back. The other elders, aware of their impending doom, begin to unravel the frayed threads of alliance that have held the wandering clans together.

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Children of Light and Shadow (The Legend of Adani Book 4)

Children of Light and Shadow (The Legend of Adani Book 4)

A new generation of warriors arises

Two generations have passed since Elian, Samora, and the united wandering clans fought against the greatest threat their world had ever seen. The land has known peace, and in that peace, humanity has flourished, regaining much of what had been lost during the endless years of war.

Now an elder of her own clan, Samora has never believed the war against the Debru was over, but even she isn't prepared for the overwhelming strength of the foe that appears one sunny day to enslave humanity. She and her family have grown strong, but they are still children playing with powers they don't fully understand.

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