Hello, dear readers!

I recently interviewed firefighter heartthrob Rob Carver, known to the entire town of Guff’s Lake, Oregon, as Mr. October on this year’s firefighter calendar. He’s so attractive that I could barely contain myself. Somehow I managed. After all, I created him. We met at a favorite café of his, Rosemary’s Breakfast Nook, for a chat.

What’s it like, being one of this year’s calendar guys?

It’s for a good cause, and I’m proud to do my part. Proceeds from sales of the calendar go directly into our benefit fund, which has helped countless locals who’ve lost homes and possessions to fire.

Tell me about Guff’s Lake and the Fire Department

I’ve lived in this town all my life. It’s a great place to be. The Siskiyou Mountains are nearby, and there are plenty of hiking trails in the foothills and up, and more in Guff’s Lake park. This town is a big tourist draw, especially in spring and summer. I’ve been with the fire department for fifteen years and love what I do. The guys on my shift are like brothers to me. I don’t have any siblings and really appreciate my crewmates. We spend forty-eight hours straight every week fighting fires, keeping fit and making sure our equipment stays in great shape. We also take refresher classes and learn new skills, host community events, teach safety classes, and a bunch of other stuff.

Your work keeps you busy. What do you do when you’re not at the fire station?

Where do I start? I go out running or hiking with some of the guys and sometimes alone. Every other weekend, my daughters stay with me. They’re fifteen-year-old twins, and I enjoy spending time with them, but they can be a handful. I also own a car detailing business, which keeps me busy the rest of the time. Guff’s Lake has just under 20,000 residents, but you’d be surprised at how many of them use my services.

That’s impressive. You’re certainly active. Are you seeing anyone?

Not at the moment. (Clamps his lips) Next question.

You mentioned your daughters. What about pets?

My dog Alcatraz, is a member of the family. We’re all into him, including Jenny. She’s my ex-wife. When I’m working my 48-hour shift, I board him at her place. Lots of the guys do. She makes part of her living boarding dogs.

What’s your current relationship with her?

Sometimes good, sometimes not. For the girls’ sakes, we try to keep things civil, but that’s up and down. (checks his watch.) I have an appointment soon and need to get going.

No problem. Thanks for your time, Rob.

My pleasure.

Did you enjoy this brief interview? Do you want to know more about Mr. October and the rest of the crew? You’ve come to the right place! Get this book as an e-book or in paperback format here. For a list of all my books, visit my website. www.annroth.net

Firefighter Rob Carver and dog boarder/walker Jenny Carver married at eighteen due to an unplanned pregnancy. Being young parents of twins proved challenging, and despite their love for each other, the marriage soon dissolved.

Thirteen years later, still scarred from their divorce, neither has remarried. They share custody of their daughters and for their sakes try to get along. But they aren’t exactly close, and the tension between them is difficult to hide. Teenage twins are a handful. One of them is struggling with problems that stem from the strained relationship between the parents. It’s way past time for Jenny and Rob to change their behavior and present a united front.

As they strive to get along and let go of long-held misunderstandings, their feelings for each other grow, and the strong physical attraction they once had reemerges—the last thing they need. Getting back together would be dangerous, a risk they can’t chance. Neither wants a repeat of the pain they once experienced, and they certainly don’t want their daughters to get hurt.

Will they risk taking a second chance on love?

Ann Roth is an award winning author of 40-plus contemporary romance and women’s fiction novels, as well as novellas and numerous short stories. Her first novel was published in 2000 by Harlequin Special Edition and was nominated by Romantic Times as best first book. Ann lives with the love of her life in the Greater Seattle area and enjoys creating flawed characters and putting them in challenging situations that help them grow and ultimately find love— whether or not they’re looking for it.

You can find her on her website, you can also find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Bookbub.